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Sustainability and Innovation


Our businesses have long prided themselves on being innovative and engaged members of our communities and doing all we can to foster businesses with an outlook on long term sustainability.  It has always been a governing philosophy to innovate and refine our processes to minimize our footprint on the environment, as well as working with OEMs, suppliers, as well as local and federal regulatory and governing bodies to ensure that we offer the best processes available.


We have always made it a central function to avoid the use of conflict materials, as well as to avoid the usage of exotic chemicals.  Having operated in this industry for decades we have seen abrupt changes in industry standards and have seen how businesses that haven’t been proactive have jeopardized supply chains.


Furthermore, we have a focused Continuous Improvement goal of constantly developing and refining our processes.  In 2019 we implemented a state of the art pilot vacuum evaporation system with the goal of zero net discharge from our Stainless Steel finishing lines.  Through this recirculation and condensing system, we not only reclaim our rinse water reducing water consumption, but we also are able to dramatically increase the yield of our process chemicals, further reducing our environmental footprint.  This system operates in parallel with our current waste water filtration and countercurrent rinsing systems.


Our pledge is to continue to innovate, we will always work to be on the forefront of technology with a goal of not only customer satisfaction but a sustainable relationship with our environment and community.

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